Reverend Bent?

Reverend Bent?

Rev. Bent? I was ordained a minister in June 2005. It took 3 minutes and 46 seconds online, but I took it serious.  Of course my soul is having an earthly experience. My path is not about a  destination – more of a presence. You see, I come to a spiritual...


DRUGS If my son had asked me about drugs early in his life I would have told him to stay away from the stuff if at all possible. I would have said that Life is so much easier if you can do without, but other than that I would have to take a deep breath. Artificial vs...
Dreams – a Poem.

Dreams – a Poem.

The Wind by Magi & Bent Myggen | Reunion CD “About Dreams” – a poem by Bent Myggen. Every brick in Manhattan was laid by a manwho worked for his dreams to come true.Every ship on the...
Women in the Military.

Women in the Military.

I thought about it.No doubt a woman can be fierce.But assuming that going into war is a duty, not a privilege, my sense is this: Giving birth is enough done for the survival of our species.I have been in attendance of nine births, one of which was my own son, and it...